Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy
1. Introduction
In particular, MR group recognizes and understands the increasing environmental expectations of our customers, workforce and community beyond legal and regulatory requirements and is strongly committed to always ensure the environmental integrity of our processes and facilities.
In line with global best practices, we integrate the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Framework into our business strategy to ensure that we create long-term value for our stakeholders while maintaining high standards of integrity. Our approach addresses key issues such as environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and sound governance to mitigate risks and enhance transparency. By adhering to the ESG principles, we strive to make a positive impact on the environment, our employees, and the communities we serve.
One of the most important instruments put in place are the policies related to a safe and healthful workplace, protecting the environment, conserving energy and natural resources as an integral part of our business strategy and operating methods.

2. Objectives
The scope of this Corporate Procedure is not to replace local laws/regulations but to provide general and fundamental principles that should always guide MR group’s operations and activities. This policy applies to all operations, activities, and employees, including contractors, partners, and suppliers. In any case, in addition to the principles in this Corporate Procedure, you should always comply with local laws and regulation regarding environmental policies.
3. Procedure
- Compliance with applicable laws and industry standards on working hours and ensuring that wages shall be sufficient to meet the basic needs of personnel.
- Respecting and promoting internationally recognized human rights, as outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions. Our commitment includes ensuring equal opportunities for all employees, free from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, disability, or other status.
- Looking for opportunities to improve our environmental performances by planning targets, measuring progress, adopting eco-friendly solutions and reporting our results.
- Zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labor. We are committed to ensuring that no part of our business operations or supply chain involves any form of forced, bonded, or involuntary labor. For this purpose, MR group has adopted a dedicated modern slavery policy.
- Conserving natural resources avoiding wastefulness by limiting energy, water, paper and fuel consumption and vehicle miles travelled; we strive to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, minimize waste and promote recycling and reuse and protect biodiversity and ecosystems affected by our operations.
- Being an environmentally responsible neighbour in the community where we operate and correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the environment.
- Maintaining an environmental policy strictly related to the MR group mission as formal commitment towards a continuous improvement, adequacy and diffusion of the environmental management system (ISO 14001 certified).
- Adopting Procedures specifically developed to properly manage the use of hazardous materials, energy and other natural resources to minimize the generation of waste and to enable recycling and reuse of materials.
- Promoting environmental responsibility among our employees and providing the necessary training and support to enable them to implement this policy, informing suppliers of our environmental policy, soliciting input from our employees, suppliers, customers and board members in meeting our environmental goals. We encourage all staff to take personal responsibility for their environmental impacts.
- Improving performance regularly reviewing environmental impacts and on an annual basis, update this policy in line with the review findings.